Ivoclar Vivadent expands milling partner program

Ivoclar Vivadent continues to expand its Authorized Milling Partner program, having signed two new members: Zimmer/Zfx, a supplier of CAD/CAM systems, and Camlog, an implant systems supplier.

The collaboration between Ivoclar and Zimmer/Zfx will allow Zimmer/Zfx to integrate Ivoclar's all-ceramic materials -- such as IPS e.max CAD, IPS Empress CAD, and Telio CAD -- into its range of services.

The collaboration between Ivoclar and Camlog revolves around the processing and marketing of high-end ceramics and composite materials. The partnership will enable Camlog to add Ivoclar's materials to its new digital prosthetics division, Dedicam.

The Authorized Milling Partner program was launched in March 2011.

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