CDA journal covers fluoridation in Calif.

The August issue of the Journal of the California Dental Association focuses on fluoridation issues and projects in California.

Topics include the gains made in fluoridation in California within the last decade, the methods used to achieve fluoridation, and an illustration of those methods with specific examples from San Diego and San Jose, the California Dental Association (CDA) noted in a press release.

California's population on fluoridated public water supplies has increased from 15.7% to 62.1% in the past 20 years, according to Kerry Carney, DDS, editor-in-chief.

The growth of community water fluoridation has been achieved through a broad-based coalition of organizations and individuals, starting with the creation of the California Fluoridation Task Force in 1994 and supported by the California Fluoridation Act of 1995, according to the CDA.

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