Wash. town council tires of antifluoride activists

The city council of Everett, WA, has grown weary of antifluoride activists lobbying to end water fluoridation in the area, according to an article in the Herald.

Voters have already approved fluoridation with a 61% majority in 1993. Nonetheless, activists have requested that fluoridation cease at nearly 20 city council meetings.

Everett supplies drinking water to three-quarters of Snohomish County where James Deal, an attorney who runs an antifluoride website, is a vocal opponent. He was granted a 15-minute special forum at the city council on June 6 to voice his opposition, the Herald reported. Gary Goldbaum, MD, head of the Snohomish Health District, also was invited and shared information supporting fluoridation.

Councilman Jeff Moore explained that he and other members have reviewed the materials extensively and found that the evidence supports fluoridation. But the activists have not been swayed or discouraged, the article noted.

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