Zimmer debuts cortical-cancellous allograft

Zimmer Dental has released the Puros Cortico-Cancellous particulate allograft, an anatomic-based mixture of cortical and cancellous bone designed to simplify the grafting process.

Composed of 70% cortical and 30% cancellous bone, Puros Cortico-Cancellous does not require on-site mixing, and retains its osteoconductive properties due to the preservation of the natural bone matrix collagen and mineral composition, trabecular pattern, and original porosity, the company said in a press release.

The particulate mixture's quick hydration, five-year shelf life, and room-temperature storage requirement also add to its ease of use, while two available size options are intended to accommodate various defect dimensions, Zimmer noted.

Each single donor vial of the bone-grafting material has been sterilized and preserved with the proprietary Tutoplast process, which assures tissue safety and minimal risk of disease transmission.

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