Safco Dental upgrades product refrigeration systems

Safco Dental Supply has upgraded to a larger, more energy-efficient refrigeration system to ensure optimal climate controlled product storage.

The company said the new unit helps prolong the shelf life of more than 300 different products and enables warehouse staff to more easily identify products for quicker fulfillment of customer orders.

"Our operations team worked closely with our manufacturer partners to determine which products should ideally be refrigerated while stored in our warehouse," said Neil Ingram, vice president and general manager of Safco, in a press release. "We also teamed with product manufacturers to establish proper operating procedures, including required temperature of the refrigeration unit and the charting and recording of actual temperature."

Safco said it also added special labels to refrigerated products to alert customers that these items were refrigerated at Safco, and that the manufacturer either recommends or suggests that a particular product be refrigerated.

Starting in May 2012, Safco's dental supply catalogs and invoices will include information identifying all products requiring refrigeration.

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