Delta Dental supports fluoride in water, toothpaste

During National Public Health Week, Delta Dental Plans Association (DDPA) encourages community leaders to support the fluoridation of their local water systems.

Research studies have demonstrated that fluoride helps strengthen tooth enamel and remineralize teeth that have already been damaged by the early effects of tooth decay, according to the DDPA.

With the economy struggling, many communities are unable or unwilling to fund community water fluoridation projects. In response, several Delta Dental member companies have helped provide funding for community fluoridation projects. It's an important dental initiative that Delta Dental is proud to support in the interest of improving public oral health.

"Our mission at Delta Dental is to advance oral care for everyone, not only through our dental benefits programs but also through significant philanthropic efforts," said Bill Kohn, DDS, vice president of dental science and policy for DDPA. "We strive to understand the unique oral health challenges and needs of the communities we serve. Community water fluoridation projects are so vital to a community's oral health that we think these are a natural outlet for our philanthropic resources."

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