Store-A-Tooth now available to Mid-Atlantic dentists

Cassidy Medical Supply Company, a distributor of allograft dental bone, is partnering with Provia Laboratories to provide Store-A-Tooth dental stem cell preservation services to oral surgery and general dentistry practices in the Mid-Atlantic region.

The two companies announced their partnership this week at the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons annual meeting, September 12-17, in Philadelphia.

Store-A-Tooth enables families to collect and save the stem cells in their children's teeth. The oral surgeon or dentist places the extracted teeth in a Tooth Collection kit instead of discarding them as medical waste; the kit is then transported overnight to the Store-A-Tooth lab.

Dental stem cells have the potential to be used in both dental and medical applications, and have already been used to regenerate alveolar jaw bone and treat periodontal disease in human studies, according to the companies. The cells are being studied to see how they could someday play a role in treating conditions, including diabetes, spinal cord injury, stroke, heart attack, and neurological diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's.

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