Biomet 3i implant aids primary stability

Biomet 3i has introduced a new implant designed to help achieve primary stability and improve clinical success rates: the Osseotite 2 parallel walled implant.

The Osseotite 2 parallel walled implant is based on macrogeometric design enhancements of the company's Osseotite implant. It is designed for more immediate bone-to-implant contact for achieving better primary stability, the company said.

The new design has a longer parallel walled section for more direct implant body contact with the osteotomy walls. The shorter apical taper and cutting flutes provide more apical stability, while the long and narrow thread profile for the 5.0-mm and 6.0-mm implants generates an anchoring "bite-in-bone" engagement. This helps to reduce the risk of excessive micromovement early in the healing process, according to the company.

Osseotite 2 parallel walled implants are available in 3.25-, 4.0-, 5.0-, and 6.0-mm configurations and are manufactured from biocompatible commercially pure titanium. To facilitate a transition to the new design, existing Osseotite parallel walled prosthetic components, drilling instrumentation, and guidelines remain compatible with Osseotite 2 implants with one exception: tapping with new Dense Bone Taps for 5.0- and 6.0-mm Osseotite 2 implants is required.

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