Dentists, labs cash in on record gold prices

With gold hitting a record high of $1,615 per ounce today, more dentists and laboratories are cashing in by sending their dental scrap to Heraeus Scrap Refining, the company said.

Unlike onsite brokers that measure the total weight of scrap and then estimate melt loss, Heraeus' assessment takes place at its refinery. First, chemists weigh and melt the scrap. As the gold scrap liquefies, borax and soda ash are mixed in to ensure a homogeneous melt. Then the bar is drilled and the sample is sent to the lab for assaying.

Dentists and lab managers say Heraeus pays more for their scrap than brokers and gives them assay reports to verify the gold content.

"For many years, I sold my scrap to the person who periodically came to my office every few months," said Robert Marus, DDS, of Yardley, PA, in the press release. "Then I realized that he had no accurate way to measure the gold or palladium content of my scrap, yet he was issuing me a check on the spot. When I sent my scrap metal to Heraeus, I not only received 25% more per case but I also received a detailed assay of the content of my scrap."

Heraeus has operated scrap metal refineries for more than 50 years and guarantees customers fair market value for gold and other precious metals, the company said.

"What dental and laboratory professionals don't know about the contents of their scrap could cost them," said Tony Circelli, refining manager.

Heraeus Scrap Refining also provides customers with complete service from preprinted air bills to free shipping containers.

When sending in the scrap, there's no need to remove enamel or ceramic from the pile as these materials are vaporized during the melting process, the company noted.

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