3M ESPE makes sensitivity guarantee on Adper adhesive

3M ESPE is offering a "no postoperative sensitivity" guarantee on its 3M ESPE Adper Easy Bond self-etch adhesive, when used according to manufacturers' instructions.

3M ESPE will replace or exchange the product should a patient experience postoperative sensitivity after its use, the company said.

Adper Easy Bond is designed to etch and penetrate into demineralized dentin and enamel in one step, which means that dentists do not have to be dependent on maintaining a moist bonding environment. In a field evaluation of more than 5,000 restorations placed using the adhesive, sensitivity was reported for less than 0.5%, according to 3M ESPE data.

The sensitivity guarantee is available to all new users of Adper Easy Bond adhesive who have registered with 3M ESPE Customer Care.

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