Komet launches interproximal starter kit

Komet has released an interproximal enamel reduction (IPR) starter kit containing six hand-selected oscillating instruments that includes new contact breakers to replace diamond strips during the initial phase of IPR procedures.

As an addition to Komet's OS system, which was introduced in 2009, the starter kit includes two single-sided OS disks, two double-sided OS disks, and two new single-sided, ultrathin contact breakers that are abrasive enough to cut through tight interproximal contacts. Used with the Komet OS handpiece OS30, the oscillating disks are designed for simplified and predictable IPR, the company said.

The new contact breakers are engineered to replace diamond strips during the initial phase of IPR procedures. The segmented oscillating disks widen interproximal spaces to 0.18 mm. This is the first step in the IPR technique, which generally aims for a total reduction of 0.2 mm to 0.4 mm, Komet explained. The thin oscillating disks are rigid enough to cut through tight interproximal contacts, and in most cases eliminate the need for diamond strips, which can be difficult to control and often result in inadvertent overreduction, according to the company.

Once the initial step has been completed, the 0.20-mm OS disk slides into the now-open contact to continue the procedure, followed as needed by the 0.30 mm and 0.35 mm disks to achieve the final desired opening.

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