CDA addresses Calif. city's amalgam resolution

The California Dental Association (CDA) is working on amalgam awareness with locally elected officials of Costa Mesa, CA, after the city council endorsed a ban on dental amalgam, according to an ADA News article.

The city council approved a nonbinding resolution on October 19 calling on state and federal agencies to take steps to eliminate the use of mercury in dental practices.

"While this action does not have the force of law, it is extremely troubling," said Thomas Stewart, DDS, CDA president in a memo.

According to the resolution, the city council opposes the use of dental amalgam and requests that state and federal agencies with the legal authority to eliminate the use of mercury in dental practices. The council also urges all dental practices located in Costa Mesa to voluntarily cease the use of dental amalgam.

"The passage of this unfortunate resolution is a reminder to us that we need to be vigilant in monitoring all branches of government to make sure policymakers receive accurate information about dental issues," Dr. Stewart said in the article. "We would like to see Costa Mesa City Council members reconsider this issue once they have all the facts."

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