Dentist sues Nobel Biocare over implants

A California dentist is suing Nobel Biocare on behalf of dentists whose patients have allegedly suffered complications from the company's NobelDirect implants, according to a story by Reuters.

The lawsuit, which was filed June 30 by Jason Yamada, D.D.S., M.S., of Torrance, CA, in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, seeks compensation for dentists who have had to perform surgery on their patients, or pay for restorative surgery, after complications from the implants, according to Reuters. The complaint alleges that Nobel Biocare had knowledge that the implants were "defectively designed" but marketed them as safe and effective.

Dr. Yamada is seeking a class action to cover thousands of dentists in the U.S. who have used the NobelDirect implant, Reuters reported. A company spokesperson told Reuters that the NobelDirect dental implant is safe and that Nobel Biocare would fight the lawsuit.

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