CNN warns of BPA in dental sealants

A CNN program about toxic chemicals may alarm patients about dental sealants, according to the ADA. On June 2 and 3, the cable TV network is airing a report hosted by Sanjay Gupta, M.D., that warns of danger from bisphenol A (BPA) in dental sealants.

An accompanying article on the CNN website claims that BPA "migrates from dental sealants into patients' mouths." The CNN story also cites a recent study that linked the chemical to sexual dysfunction in men.

In response, the ADA issued a letter to its members quoting one of its earlier statements on the chemical:

The utility of composite resin materials for both restoring dental health and preventing caries is well established, while any health risks from their use are not. The ADA fully supports continued research into the safety of BPA; but, based on current evidence, the ADA does not believe there is a basis for health concerns relative to BPA exposure from any dental material.

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