Pulpdent launches new material for temporaries

Pulpdent has introduced rubberized urethane, a new category of provisional materials that it is calling "the first advance in provisional chemistry in 18 years."

The new material, which Pulpdent is marketing under the name Tuff-Temp, consists of a synthetic rubber molecule inserted into a diurethane dimethacrylate molecule. It has advantages over both bis-acrylic and acrylic, according to Pulpdent.

Bis-acrylics have the convenience of automix systems, the company said, but they are brittle. They shrink, stretch, break, come loose, and require frequent remakes and recementations. The heat generated by grinding can gum up and distort the margins, and clog finishing instruments, Pulpdent said.

Powder and liquid acrylics are strong. They can be ground for accurate margins and are low in price. However, they shrink and stretch, are highly allergenic, have an objectionable odor, generate considerable heat, fit poorly, come loose, and require frequent recementation, according to the company.

By contrast, Tuff-Temp's rubberized-urethane chemistry, available in automix cartridges and syringes, is tough, impact-resistant, and dimensionally stable, gripping the teeth and reducing or eliminating chipping, breaking, debonding, and the need for recementation, Pulpent said.

The material is suitable for both single units and longer spans, according to the company. Tuff-Temp grinds and powders, providing accurate margins. The heat of the grinding and finishing instruments does not soften or distort the rubberized-urethane, Pulpdent said.

Tuff-Temp is dual-cure. The light-cure option quickly produces a full-strength restoration, Pulpdent said. The light-cure option is also ideal for use with a clear vinyl polysiloxane template.

The company is also marketing Tuff-Temp Glaze and add-ons for aesthetics and alterations, all made from the same rubberized urethane.

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