Komet offers endodontic file retrieval kit

For the first time in the U.S., Komet USA is offering a kit for retrieving broken endodontic files. Developed in conjunction with dentist Dr. Dominique Martin of Paris, Komet's Endo Rescue Kit is designed for retrieving a fractured rotary nickel-titanium instrument within the canal.

Kit 4601 comes with an H269GK.315.016 endodontic tungsten carbide bur to enlarge the pulp cavity, improving a practitioner's vision into the canal, the company noted. A center drill (G180A.204.110/G180.204.090) excavates the last few millimeters of the canal, providing the practitioner access to the broken instrument.

The RKP.204.090 drill exposes the instrument's surface, and, finally, an extremely fine trepan bur (RKT.204.090) is placed onto the fragment, seizing and holding it in place using residual dentin. The broken file is then removed from the canal in a counterclockwise motion.

The kit also comes with a manual screw (150.155.000) for practitioners who would rather not use a handpiece.

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