Delcam has released Delcam Dental 2010 SP2, which enhances previous versions of the program used by laboratories for CAD/CAM production of restorations, according to a press release.
New features include:
- Reduced toolbars allow maximum screen space, but icons are bolder and clearer.
- The scanning software (now called DentScan) is fully integrated into DentCAD.
- DentMan now controls the DentMan, DentScan, and DentCAD modules, exchanging the data between the scanner, DentCAD, and DentMill.
- The patients' details fields can be set up to describe any information that a laboratory requires.
- The location of the saved models can be predetermined by setting up a disk location and file name using any of the fields on the patient form. Scan and CAD data is saved automatically at each stage.
- A new library of teeth compliments the existing two libraries already within DentCAD.
- The new process offers the user a prep-line as soon as the restoration design is started in DentCAD.
Shaping can be carried out on multiple teeth in the same operation. All the elements in the bridge are visible in shaping, and the user can click from one to another without having to accept each of the individual teeth's changes. With the whole bridge visible, a comparison with neighboring teeth is now possible, according to the company.
The analysis checking form on the main DentCAD toolbar lists any errors where the thickness of teeth falls below a chosen set of minimum parameters. Errors are displayed on a color map.