Study compares bone loss with 3 implant systems

In a recently published meta-analysis of marginal bone level maintenance following dental implant surgery, the Astra Tech implant system showed the best results, with only -0.24 mm of bone reduction after five years, the company announced.

The purpose of the study was to compile and compare data on marginal bone level changes between loading and five years of function for all implant systems currently on the market (Clinical Implant Dentistyr and Related Research, August 3, 2009).

The study presented comparative data of the three implant systems that met the inclusion criteria: Astra Tech, BrĂĄnemark, and Straumann.

Over five years, the pooled mean marginal bone level change amounted to -0.24 mm (95% confidence interval [CI] -0.345, -0.135) for the AstraTech system, 0.75 mm (95% CI -0.802, -0.693) for the BrĂĄnemark system, and 0.48 mm (95% CI -0.598, -0.360) for the Straumann system.

"The identified implant systems showed an annual bone loss below or much below what hitherto has been set up as a limit for success," concluded the study authors from the Sahlgrenska Academy at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. "A careful documentation of marginal bone level changes should be mandatory for all implant systems before being marketed. It is also time for revision of existing success criteria to refine the basis for clinical quality judgment of implant treatment."

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