SensAble launches v.2 of CAD/CAM system at IDS

SensAble Technologies is using the International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, Germany, this week to launch the latest version of its SensAble Dental Lab System (SDLS), an integrated CAD/CAM system for dental restorations.

Version 2 of the SDLS offers "significantly expanded capabilities for full contour crown and bridge restorations, as well as new features that speed the design and production of removable partials," according to the company.

The SensAble system enables labs to deliver more kinds of restorations from a single system, and is the only digital solution capable of creating metal and flexible partials, as well as full contour crown and bridge, the company said.

Its key components -- a 3D scanner, design system, resin printer, and case management software -- have been integrated to produce accurate, consistent results in a streamlined workflow, increasing lab productivity, according to the company.

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