Ohio dentist treats 900 kids in Nepal for 60th birthday

To celebrate his 60th birthday memorably, an Ohio dentist closed his practice for a month and went to Katmandu, Nepal, to help deliver dental care to more than 900 impoverished children, the Aurora Advocate reported.

Joseph Pawlik, DDS, who practices in Mantua and had never been outside of North America, joined three other dentists to make the trip with Global Dental Relief, a charitable organization that brings dental professionals to Guatemala, Vietnam, and Nepal.

Each paid between $5,000 and $6,000 out of pocket in travel costs. Colgate provided free toothbrushes for them to distribute to children while there.

A Buddhist monastery provided lodging for the team, which in turn provided treatment for children at the monastery's school, orphanage, and the surrounding community. The group embarked on a two-week trek through the mountains to provide care in remote villages but was turned away.

Dr. Pawlik told the Advocate that he is determined to go back after he recovers financially from time spent away from the office and the cost of the journey.

Global Dental Relief organizes trips to Nepal twice a year.

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