Tooth fairy app to benefit NCOHF

2011 02 15 10 45 26 485 2011 02 15 Tooth Fairy App
The Tooth Fairy Beacon app on the iPhone. Image courtesy of NCOHF.The Tooth Fairy Beacon app on the iPhone. Image courtesy of NCOHF.
The Tooth Fairy Beacon app on the iPhone. Image courtesy of NCOHF.

Digital Apparatus, a mobile entertainment company, has partnered with the National Children's Oral Health Foundation (NCOHF) for the launch of its Tooth Fairy Beacon app for Apple's iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch.

Under the umbrella of the NCOHF America's Toothfairy campaign, Digital Apparatus will provide a donation for dental care for underserved children served by NCOHF affiliates in the U.S. each time the Tooth Fairy Beacon app is downloaded from Apple's iTunes Store. The goal of Digital Apparatus is to help 100 children receive free preventive dental care for an entire year.

The Tooth Fairy Beacon app brings the Tooth Fairy to life, with animation, sound effects, and narration by the tooth fairy, NCOHF said in a press release. The app includes a personalized, gender-specific experience for boys and girls, tips for children's oral health, a personalized message from the tooth fairy, and a tooth scanner and beacon.

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