Water Pik launches Facebook campaign to support AAPD program

Water Pik will donate $1 for every new "Like" it receives on the Waterpik Oral Health Facebook page up to $5,000 to benefit the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children campaign.

Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children and AAPD are focused on eliminating barriers to obtaining comprehensive quality oral healthcare for all children. The money raised through the Facebook page donation program will help fund research grants to ensure that the most up-to-date science, technology, and care can be provided to all children, Waterpik said.

"When you look at the statistics of how many children go without proper dental care in this country, it's staggering," said Jay McCulloch, vice president of marketing for oral care products at Water Pik, in a press release. "Through the Healthy Smiles, Healthy Children Facebook promotion, we aim to generate awareness of the lack of dental care provided to low-income families and contribute to further research and development of programs that will benefit today's children and generations to come."

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