OrVance debuts campaign for nontraditional dental wax

2020 10 14 15 09 1435 Or Vance Ortho Dots 400

OrVance has released a 30-second commercial intended to educate orthodontic patients about the deficiencies of traditional dental wax.

The Ax the Wax campaign follows research from Michigan State University advertising students on the importance of educating parents about the safety of dental wax. It also emphasizes OrVance's request that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration take action against companies that sell misbranded dental wax to orthodontic practices. Currently, 25 companies sell misbranded wax, according to OrVance.

The company is also encouraging patients and parents to ask their orthodontist about OrthoDots Clear. Orthodontic practices can order free samples of the product from OrVance.

Image courtesy of OrVance.Image courtesy of OrVance.
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