Anesthesia & Pain Management Insider: Nitrous oxide & ibuprofen may dull kids' pulpitis pain

Dear Anesthesia & Pain Management Insider,

A combination of nitrous oxide and ibuprofen may help dull the pain of children undergoing vital pulp therapy for irreversible pulpitis. A new study found that the combination significantly bolstered children's pain relief compared with those who received ibuprofen alone. Learn more in our Insider Exclusive.

Also new in the Anesthesia & Pain Management Community, researchers found that an injectable anesthetic may help relieve pain after major implant surgery. The bupivacaine liposome injectable suspension Exparel significantly reduced pain for patients who underwent full-arch implant placement. Read more here.

"Will my child still get into Harvard after this dental procedure?" Dental anesthesiologist Dr. Leonard Naftalin opened with that often-asked question by parents during his presentation on anesthesiology and children's developing brains at the California Dental Association's CDA Presents 2018 meeting. See key takeaways from Dr. Naftalin's presentation here.

Finally, it's time for the dental community to take a closer look at opioid prescribing strategies, according to oral surgeon Dr. Solomon Poyourow. In his Second Opinion, Dr. Poyourow writes that dentists prescribe the majority of opioid analgesics for children ages 11 to 18. Read why he believes it's worth considering new acute pain management techniques here.

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