DrBicuspid.com Anesthesia & Pain Management Insider

Dear Anesthesia & Pain Management Insider,

Recent research suggests that oral midazolam may help reduce children's anxiety before comprehensive dental procedures. A study found that children who took the drug were more willing to comply with an anesthetic mask than those who took a placebo. Find out more in the Insider Exclusive.

Did you know that referrals to facial pain specialists often take more than a year? One study found that patients often visit two or more physicians before being referred to a specialist, which can sometimes cause the pain to escalate from acute to chronic.

One-quarter of patients misuse opioids for pain management, according to another study in the Anesthesia & Pain Management Community. Researchers found that those prescribed narcotics often know more about the medication from the media than their prescribing doctors. Fortunately, dentists are in a prime position to help stop misuse; find out more here.

The ADA wants your comments! The association is proposing revisions to two sets of guidelines on the use of sedation and anesthesia. The deadline for comments is fast approaching; learn more about the proposed changes here.

Researchers found that two-thirds of pediatric patients with early childhood caries relapsed within three years after aggressive surgical treatment under general anesthesia. Full-coverage restorations may help reduce caries relapse for children, according to a poster presentation from the recent American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry 2015 annual meeting.

For the latest feature articles and news in brief on anesthesia and pain management, please visit the community at pain.drbicuspid.com.

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