DrBicuspid.com Anesthesia & Pain Management Insider

Dear Anesthesia & Pain Management Insider,

In this Insider Exclusive, contributing editor Rabia Mughal writes that effective pain management is a crucial part of establishing a strong relationship with a patient during an endodontic procedure, and now a new study recommends a supplement in case the most commonly used inferior alveolar nerve block is not effective.

Use of intravenous sedation for dental patients is on the rise, and a new Japanese study of more than 2,000 patients found that midazolam plus propofol was the chosen agent for treatment in most cases. Read more here.

In this Second Opinion, Dr. Mark Saxen, president of the American Society of Dentist Anesthesiologists, analyzes the advantages of in-office anesthesiology done by a dental anesthesiologist and urges dentists to consider taking advantage of their expertise.

Also in a column featured in the Anesthesia & Pain Management Community, periodontist Dr. Cyril Evian advocates for the use of lasers in dentistry. He details the advantages of using a laser in your practice, including an expanded clientele, less patient anxiety, and more productive time, and explains that laser surgery significantly decreases symptoms associated with traditional dental surgery, including pain and recovery time.

In another Second Opinion, Dr. John Blake of the Children's Dental Health Clinic in Long Beach, CA, writes of the difficult situation dentists in the state face in treating Denti-Cal pediatric patients because of the program's low reimbursement rate and utilization. He issues a call for action to fix Denti-Cal for the sake of California's children.

Whether it's compelling feature articles or news in brief, you'll find these stories and more in our Anesthesia & Pain Management Community.

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