IADR calls for session abstracts, proposals

The International Association for Dental Research (IADR) is calling for session proposals and abstracts for its 2016 general session and exhibition.

The meeting will take place June 22-25, 2016, in Seoul, South Korea. During the session, scientists and researchers will be able to present, discuss, and critique investigations.

The session proposals include submissions for symposia, hands-on workshops, and lunch and learning sessions. Each IADR group or network may have its own submission protocol, and group or network approval is required for proposals. The applicable groups/networks should be contacted for further instruction and approval no later than October 13, 2015.

IADR is also accepting abstract dental, oral, and craniofacial research submissions for presentation consideration. The deadline for abstract submission is January 19, 2016.

For more information and instructions, visit iadr.enoah.com. Those interested in submitting session abstracts or proposals, must log in or create an account.

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