Endodontics Insider: Is there a safer approach to preventing root canal infection?

Dear Endodontics Insider,

Endodontic biofilms are a common biological cause of root canal disease and infection. While identifying the biofilms and pathogens that contribute to these infections, including Enterococcus faecalis, is relatively straightforward, getting rid of them is not as easy. A new review article points a way toward a new and safer treatment approach. Read our Insider Exclusive.

In other Endodontics Community news, a new study in BMC Oral Health looked at the role of sealers in preventing root canal failure. Researchers asked if a product's bond strength changes when ultrasonically activated and where sealers are most likely to fail. Read more here.

An appellate court has ruled that a lawsuit regarding advertising as a specialist that was filed by an Ohio dentist with a master's degree in endodontics can proceed. The suit focuses on an Ohio law that forbids dentists from advertising as specialists when they also perform general dentistry. Read our coverage here.

Recommending root canal treatment to potentially prevent a heart attack may seem like a stretch now, but one day it could be reality. A recent research article has linked endodontic lesions to cardiovascular disease. Read more here.

Finally, a 63-year-old man with many fillings, previous endodontic treatment, and three-unit bridges presented to his dentist with headaches, tight jaw muscles, and teeth grinding. As William S. Spiegel and Dr. Marc R. Leffler document in their Legal Cases column, sometimes practicing to the dentist's ability is the best course of action for all involved. Read their column here.

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