AAE promotes Root Canal Awareness Week

With more than 15 million root canals performed in the U.S. annually, the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) is using Root Canal Awareness Week, March 28 through April 3, to remind dental patients of the special training endodontists receive for this complex dental treatment.

"With their use of advanced technologies and expertise in administering anesthesia, endodontists perform virtually painless root canal treatments that can last a lifetime," said AAE President Gerald Glickman, D.D.S., M.S., M.B.A.

When it comes to many serious health needs, family physicians turn to specialists such as cardiologists for heart disease and podiatrists for foot troubles. However, when it comes to dentistry, general practitioners refer less than half of patients who need root canals to colleagues who specialize in the procedure, according to a recent AAE survey.

Dentists refer an average of 46% of root canal patients to an endodontist, yet almost all general dentists surveyed (94%) said they have a positive or very positive perception of endodontists and the care they provide, the AAE survey found.

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