Raisins getting a bad rap; how much is too many root canals

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

When it comes to their effect on teeth, raisins have been getting a bad rap for years, according to a new study in Pediatric Dentistry that looked at the sugar content of raisins in some cereals. While this wrinkly fruit may be sticky and sweet, it's not as bad for teeth as has long been believed, the researchers found.

In other clinical news, how many root canals is too many? It may seem like a silly question, but an Australian dentist who performed root canals on all 28 of a man's teeth has been fined over $300,000 (U.S.) and may lose his license. Read more.

And over on the Second Opinion page, Dr. Sheri Doniger ponders whether the end-of-the-year buying spree many dentists typically go on makes sense in a tough economy -- despite the attractive tax breaks -- while Dr. Don Deems reveals the magic of resolving conflicts in a constructive way.

Finally, the final round of voting in the first annual DrBicuspid Dental Excellence Awards begins today and runs through January 18. Don't miss out on this opportunity to make sure dentistry's best and brightest get the credit they deserve! Click here to see the list of finalists, and click here to begin casting your votes. The winners will be announced January 25.

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