Survey: Patients equate root canal to flying in a storm

More than 80% of adults polled in a recent survey by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE) said that they are afraid of going to the dentist, and more than half said that the fear may keep them from going at all.

Other findings from the survey:

  • Root canal treatment is the most feared dental procedure, with adults finding it as scary as flying on an airplane during a storm and scarier than speaking in public or interviewing for a job.
  • Nearly one-third of adult respondents admitted that their fear of the dentist is based on hearing about someone else's experience rather than their own.

The AAE is attempting to tackle this fear in its third annual Root Canal Awareness Week, which takes place March 29 through April 4.

"There are many misconceptions about dental visits and root canal treatment, in particular," said AAE President Louis Rossman, D.M.D., in a press release. "Root Canal Awareness Week is aimed at dispelling these long-standing myths and hopefully reducing anxiety around the procedure. Patients need to understand that root canals actually relieve tooth pain and are much more comfortable today thanks to new technology and endodontists' specialized training."

Dealing with patient fear isn't unique to endodontists, but because of the root canal's reputation, endodontists have significant experience with anxious patients, Dr. Rossman added. "Given that poor oral health and tooth loss are linked to many serious medical conditions, such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes, we are committed to helping people overcome their fears to ensure they prioritize necessary dental care."

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