Week in Review: U.S. dental spending rises; plus wedge-shaped defects and presenting treatment

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

The amount the U.S. spends on dental healthcare continues to rise, according to new data from the California Health Care Foundation. Americans spent about $118 billion on dental services in 2015, up from $113 billion the previous year. See our infographic here.

Also this week on DrBicuspid.com, what material do you use when restoring a wedge-shaped defect? A new study suggests that you may not want to use glass ionomer cement. This study found that the cement was not as clinically effective as similar restorative materials for these particular lesions. Read more here.

How often have you finished an exam on a new patient, presented a comprehensive treatment program, and then never saw that patient again? Practice management consultant Sally McKenzie suggests that the issue might be that your new patient is overwhelmed and does not trust you yet. She recommends starting with essential treatment and going from there. Learn more here.

The California Dental Hygienists' Association claims it has increased membership since ending its 90-year affiliation with the American Dental Hygienists' Association in 2016. Both organizations comment on how they are doing after their split. Read more here.

It's been almost a week since the deadline passed for the renewal of the funding of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Funding bills are making their way through both the U.S. House of Representatives and the Senate, but until the bills are signed almost 9 million children are at risk of losing their healthcare, including oral healthcare. Contact your congressional representatives to urge action, and follow the coverage here on DrBicuspid.com.

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