Week in Review: Legal case study and practice production

We presented the latest in our popular legal case study series on Monday. In this column, the case of a lower molar root canal therapy with inferior alveolar nerve injury is examined. Read the entire column and the lawyers' practice tips here.

The reader reaction to our legal case series by William S. Spiegel and Marc R. Leffler, DDS, has been astounding. I'd like to thank everyone who has reached out to Mr. Spiegel and Dr. Leffler to compliment them for this series.

In practice building advice, Dr. Roger P. Levin writes that most patients represent more potential production than most dentists realize. Intraoral conditions change over time, as do patients' desires. You owe it to them to develop a comprehensive picture of what's going on in their mouths, and what you -- and they -- can do about it.

Also this week, what if there were a way to predict caries onset in seemingly healthy teeth in your pediatric patients before the caries developed? A new study from researchers in China and San Diego might show a way to do just that. Read our report here.

Fetal lead shielding may not be necessary when taking dental radiographs of pregnant patients, according to a study from Finland. Using four different imaging modalities, researchers reported that the fetal dose levels without lead shielding were less than 1% of the annual dose limit for a member of the public. Read more about this study here.

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