Levin on detailed scripting; McKenzie on staff conflict; study on HPV vaccinations for boys

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

What you say to patients, and how you say it, has a huge impact on customer service and your ability to influence and educate. Detailed scripting can help you and your team interact with patients in powerful ways, according to Dr. Roger P. Levin.

Are unresolved staff conflicts slowly, but surely, undermining your practice and costing you revenue? In her latest column, practice management expert Sally McKenzie reminds you that if you as practice CEO are sensing staff conflict, it's certain that your patients are also.

Vaccinating adolescent boys for HPV may be cost-effective for preventing oropharyngeal cancer, according to a new study in Cancer. Besides extending lives, the vaccine could save millions in treatment-related costs, the researchers said. Read Features Editor Donna Domino's article here.

Children enrolled in the Children's Health Insurance Program had higher rates of dental access and more checkups than privately insured children, but fewer in the program actually visited dentists, according to a new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Read more here.

As we all watch the machinations in the U.S. Senate over the bill that contains the extension of the Children's Health Insurance Program, the likelihood of that bill passing the Senate today (Monday, April 13) or tomorrow is slim, given that the Senate has just returned from recess and both parties are considering amendments to the bill that passed the U.S. House of Representatives. If movement happens, we'll bring it to you.

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