OSAP opens leadership award nominations

2020 07 29 17 49 9033 Osap Logo 400

The Organization for Safety, Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) has opened nominations for its leadership awards.

The Crawford Lifetime Achievement Award is named in honor of one of the founding fathers of dental infection control. Nominees must have made major contributions in science, education, or public policy in regard to infection control and safety.

The Schaefer Superior Service Award is named after one of OSAP's founding members and celebrates superior service to the organization over a period of time or singularly. Nominees must have contributed to OSAP's mission to be the leading provider of infection prevention and control education, training, and credentialing.

Finally, the Emerging Infection Control Leader Award is intended to recognize new advocates for infection control, promoting the next generation of leaders in the field of dental infection prevention and safety.

Winners will be recognized at OSAP's virtual conference, taking place June 2-5. Nominations are currently being accepted.

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