Every practice should begin the day with a short morning meeting. These primarily should focus only on that specific day. The benefit of morning meetings is that they organize the day, create an opportunity to discuss any potential problems, and provide a calm and focused beginning to each day.
Let a team member run the meeting. The scheduling coordinator or the office manager is the best candidate to run the morning meeting since the focus is only on that particular day. Monthly staff meetings, on the other hand, should be led by the doctor, although other team members may be designated to give presentations.
Don't let morning meetings turn into something else. Morning meetings set the tone for the day. Unless well-structured, they can turn into a 10-minute discussion on what was on TV last night. The goal is to review the day's schedule -- new patients, large cases, and other special circumstances. This information keeps everyone on the same page and is crucial to providing exceptional care and service to patients.
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