Okla. dentist charged with Medicaid fraud

An Oklahoma dentist has been charged with Medicaid fraud for allegedly submitting claims for dental services she didn't provide.

Robin Lockwood, DDS, who works for Ocean Dental in Oklahoma City, allegedly falsified treatment notes submitted by the dental practice for Medicaid reimbursement between July 2007 and December 2010, according to the state attorney general. Dr. Lockwood allegedly benefited from the scheme because she received a percentage of the reimbursement for her services.

The charges also allege that Lockwood billed for multisurface fillings that she didn't complete, up-coded bills to receive more money, and billed for services not reimbursable by Medicaid by using a different billing code.

If convicted, Lockwood could face up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

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