Week in Review: Dental assistant sues | Issues with opioid mishandling | The importance of training

Dear DrBicuspid Member,

Having lectured to dental assistants for the last 15 years, I have heard plenty of horror stories when it comes to the relationship between the dentist and assistant. Once again this week, I was reminded just how quickly that relationship can sour.

An Illinois dental assistant is suing her former boss and his dental practice, claiming she was subjected to racial jokes and was fired after refusing the dentist's sexual advances, according to news reports. This story is another reminder of the importance of treating each other properly and with respect every minute of every day.

Speaking of lawsuits, there were a couple of others that we covered this week that are worth noting.

An oral surgeon in Pennsylvania agreed to pay $150,000 to settle allegations that she mishandled opioids, diverting them from patients for personal use, which resulted in the clinician overdosing on one occasion, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. Sadly, this settlement is another reminder of just how deep the opioid crisis runs in our country.

Additionally, the family of a 5-year-old girl filed a lawsuit just after the start of 2020 against a Las Vegas dentist, claiming he set the child's mouth on fire during a routine dental procedure that left her with injuries that may be permanent, according to news reports. As this incident proves, dental professionals need to always be cognizant of what is happening in the chair.

In one of the week's stranger news stories that we covered, a British man's potentially fatal blood infection that led him to undergo a lengthy surgery may have been caused by his use of a metal nail and other objects to dislodge popcorn from between his teeth, according to news reports.

Finally, may I suggest a good resolution for your practice in 2020? Make sure all your team members take time for training so they can be on top of their game. Your patients deserve the best they can get every time they walk through your doors.

As I begin to wrap up, let me remind you that you can still submit your vote for one of the various products within the 10 categories comprising this year's DrBicuspid Dental Excellence Awards. Voting ends on Sunday, January 12, so time is of the essence!

I started this note talking about dental assistants, and I will end by doing the same. If you're in New England, let me invite you to attend a full-day, assistant-focused education track on Friday, January 31, during Yankee Dental Congress in Boston. I am honored to be a part of the day and this incredible speaking lineup.

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