Will Iowa court reconsider dental assistant case -- again?

The attorney for a dental assistant fired by employer for being "too attractive" has asked the Iowa Supreme Court to consider the case for a third time, according to an Associated Press article.

Melissa Nelson was fired by James H. Knight, DDS, after working at his practice for more than 10 years because he and his wife felt her presence posed a potential threat to his marriage.

The all-male court dismissed the sex discrimination case she brought against the Fort Dodge dentist, determining that the termination of her employment was lawful, saying that bosses can fire employees they see as threats to their marriages even if the employees have not engaged in flirtatious or other inappropriate behavior

Now Nelson's attorney, Paige Fiedler, has asked the court for a jury trial. Fielder contended in a brief that the justices were wrong to conclude that her client had a "consensual personal relationship" with Knight, leading to a ruling that her termination was justifiable.

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