DANB offers restorative functions certification program

The Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) has introduced a new certification program for dental assistants: the Certified Restorative Functions Dental Assistant (CRFDA) program.

The CRFDA certification program is made up of six component exams: anatomy, morphology and physiology (AMP); impressions (IM); temporaries (TMP); isolation (IS); sealants (SE); and restorative functions (RF). To earn CRFDA certification, dental assistants must pass all six component exams within three years.

There are no eligibility requirements for the AMP, IM, TMP, IS, or SE component exams; however, there are eligibility requirements for the RF component exam and for earning and maintaining CRFDA certification.

DANB pretested the CRFDA certification program in 2012, and the first CRFDA certifications were issued in January of this year. The CRFDA application packets became available in April, and testing through Pearson VUE testing centers began on May 1. There are currently dental assistants working in 26 different states who have earned CRFDA certification.

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