Survey: DANB-certified dental assistants earn more

Dental assistants who are certified by the Dental Assisting National Board (DANB) earn more and stay in the profession longer than noncertified assistants, according to DANB's 2010 salary survey.

DANB-certified dental assistants (CDAs) who work full time (73% of respondents) reported a median salary of $18.73 per hour, which is up $0.73 from 2008, the survey found. The median salary for full- and part-time DANB CDAs is $18.50. Noncertified assistants earn $16.46 per hour, according to adjusted figures from a May 2009 Bureau of Labor Statistics survey.

In addition, DANB CDAs tend to stay in the profession longer and have more loyalty toward their employers; the survey found that DANB CDAs have been in their current positions for an average of 8.7 years and in the profession an average of 15.7 years.

The findings are based on a survey conducted by DANB in April 2010. The results are based on a 17% response rate to its survey of a U.S. sample of CDAs.

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