Dental assistant faces charges of extracting teeth

Prosecutors on May 7 arraigned an Illinois dental assistant accused of doing procedures for which she was not licensed, along with the former director of the public health clinic where she worked, according to the Herald & Review.

The Macon County State's Attorney's Office charged Tamara Younker, 48, with extracting teeth from nine people, filling teeth in three people, administering local anesthetics to eight people, taking impressions for a denture, and stealing from the dental clinic by failing to charge a patient for $300 in dental services, according to the newspaper.

Kenneth P. Webb, D.M.D., who directed the Macon County Health Department dental clinic from 2005 until he was asked to resign this year, was charged with official misconduct because Younker worked under his supervision, and with unlawful delivery of a controlled substance because he provided sedatives to Younker, the newspaper reported.

Dr. Webb, 59, pleaded not guilty, while Younker has not entered a plea, according to the story. Both are free on $1,000 bail.

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