ADAA offers free membership to dental assistants

The American Dental Assistants Association (ADAA) is now offering a program to provide free membership and education in an effort to continue to elevate the professional status of dental assistants. The program is being sponsored in part by Henry Schein.

Starting immediately online, and with an in-person offering at the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting (February 25-27), dental assistants can sign up to join the association at no cost. New enrollees will receive free, online, dental-related continuing education, select Dental Assistant Journal online access, and other optional benefits previously restricted to traditional members.

"In making E-Membership available to all at no cost, we are seeking to improve the careers and contributions of dental assistants to the practice of dentistry," said ADAA President Angela Swatts, C.D.A., E.F.D.A., in a press release. "The bottom line is optimum dental care delivery to the patients. It's what a professional association should do."

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