Weno Exchange offers free e-prescribing service

2019 10 31 00 56 8537 Prescription Drugs Bottle 400

Weno Exchange is offering a free e-prescribing service to dental providers who need to electronically prescribe controlled substances (EPCS) to satisfy Medicare's Every Prescription Conveyed Securely Act.

The act took effect on January 1 and requires electronic prescribing of controlled substances when a drug is covered by Medicare Part D, Weno Exchange said. As the cost of doing this can be prohibitive for small practices, starting at $42,000 with annual fees of $14,000, Weno Exchange is providing a free service, it said.

Weno Exchange's Weno Online meets the EPCS software mandate of having a third-party audit to validate Medicare requirements, and it is the only e-prescribing platform independent from the Surescripts network, according to the company.

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