Don't let rising interest rates catch you by surprise

2016 08 30 16 00 52 53 Mc Carthy John 400

This article from Heritage Financial Consultants draws on the same core materials that are included in the management consulting program for Levin Group clients. By gaining a deeper understanding of their financial situation and the options available to them, dentists can make informed decisions that will enable them to reach their retirement goals sooner.
— Roger P. Levin, DDS

You've probably heard the news that the U.S. Federal Reserve System (known as the Fed) has been raising its benchmark federal funds rate. But what does this mean for you, your practice, and your finances?

John G. McCarthy III is a partner with Heritage Financial Consultants.John G. McCarthy III is a partner with Heritage Financial Consultants.

While the Fed doesn't directly control consumer interest rates, changes to the federal funds rate often affect consumer borrowing costs. The federal funds rate is the rate banks use to lend funds to each other overnight within the Federal Reserve System.

Forms of consumer credit that charge variable interest rates are especially vulnerable, including adjustable-rate mortgages (ARMs), most credit cards, and certain private student loans. Variable interest rates are often tied to a benchmark, such as the U.S. prime rate or the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), which typically goes up when the federal funds rate increases.

Although nothing is certain, the Fed expects to raise the federal funds rate by small increments over the next several years. However, you still have time to act before any interest rate hikes significantly affect your finances.

Adjustable rate mortgages

If you have an ARM for your house or your practice, your interest rate and monthly payment may adjust at certain intervals. For example, if you have what is known as a "5/1 ARM," your initial interest rate is fixed for five years, but then it can change every year after that if the underlying index goes up or down.

Your loan documents will spell out which index your ARM tracks, as well as the date your interest rate and payment may adjust and by how much. These rates and payments have caps that limit the amount by which interest rates and payments can change over time.

Refinancing and switching to a fixed-rate mortgage could be an option if you're concerned about steadily climbing interest rates, but this may not be cost-effective if you plan to sell your home or practice before the interest rate adjusts.

Credit cards

Keeping credit card debt in check is always a good idea, but it's especially important when interest rates are trending upward. Many credit cards have variable annual percentage rates (APRs) that are tied to an index (typically the prime rate). When the prime rate goes up, the card's APR also will increase.

Check your credit card statement to see what APR you're currently paying. If you're carrying a balance, how much is your monthly finance charge?

Your credit card issuer must give you written notice at least 45 days in advance of any rate change, so you have a little time to reduce or pay off your balance. If it's not possible to pay off your credit card debt quickly, you may want to look for alternatives. One option is to transfer your balance to a card that offers a 0% promotional rate for a set period of time, such as 18 months. But watch out for transaction fees, and find out what APR applies after the promotional rate term expires in case a balance remains.

Student loans

Interest rates on federal student loans are always fixed and so is the monthly payment. But if you have a variable-rate student loan from a private lender, the size of your monthly payment may increase as the federal funds rate rises, potentially putting a dent in your budget. And with many new dentists carrying educational debt of $200,000 or more, even a small uptick in the interest rate could cost you big time over the term of the loan.

Variable student loan interest rates are generally pegged to the prime or the London rate. Because repayment occurs over a number of years, multiple rate hikes for variable rate loans could significantly affect the amount you'll need to repay.

Review your loan documents to find out how the interest rate is calculated, how often your payment might adjust, and whether the interest rate is capped. Because interest rates are generally lower for variable rate loans, your monthly payment may be manageable, and you may be able to handle fluctuations. However, if your repayment term is long and you want to lock in your payment, you may consider refinancing into a fixed rate loan. Make sure to carefully compare the costs and benefits of each option before refinancing.

Being able to wisely manage debt is critical to achieving financial success. Use these three recommendations to save on interest costs in your personal and professional life.

John G. McCarthy III is a partner with Heritage Financial Consultants and a registered representative of Lincoln Financial Securities offered through Lincoln Financial Advisors, a broker-dealer (Member SIPC) and investment advisory. Heritage Financial Consultants is not an affiliate of Lincoln Financial Advisors. Lincoln Financial Advisors does not provide legal or tax advice. CRN-1559901-080116

Disclaimer: The comments in this article are not meant to be taken as financial advice. and the Levin Financial Group recommend that you always consult with your financial planner before making any significant changes in your financial situation.

The comments and observations expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the opinions of, nor should they be construed as an endorsement or admonishment of any particular idea, vendor, or organization.

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