New CE courses feature Dr. Alvin Danenberg

2016 09 23 13 47 40 375 Dr B Logo 400

Five new continuing education (CE) courses from Alvin Danenberg, DDS, on dental disease are now available in the continuing education section. The five-part "Beat the Beast of Dental Disease" series distills complex ideas into a science-based program that can help your patients take control of their oral health.

Beat the Beast of Dental Disease: Part 1 of 5 -- We were born to be healthy: What happened?

This continuing education series will get to the bottom of dental disease and show you, the dental practitioner, how to implement a simple, unique, and effective prevention program for your patients.

Price: $72
CE credits: 2.0

Beat the Beast of Dental Disease: Part 2 of 5 -- Causes of dental disease: The obvious and the not-so-obvious

In part 2, Dr. Danenberg explores the obvious and not-so-obvious causes of dental diseases. Knowing the underlying causes can make prevention more effective and possibly make a cure more achievable.

Price: $36
CE credits: 1.0

Beat the Beast of Dental Disease: Part 3 of 5 -- Dental diseases and systemic diseases: Correlation or causation?

In part 3, Dr. Danenberg explores the relationships between dental diseases and systemic diseases. Are these correlations or causations? There is a critical difference you must understand as an informed dental practitioner.

Price: $36
CE credits: 1.0

Beat the Beast of Dental Disease: Part 4 of 5 -- Four pillars of health: Nutrient-dense foods, efficient exercise, restorative sleep, and reduction of stress

In part 4, Dr. Danenberg discusses overall health. Everything that happens in the body has an effect in the mouth. As a healthy body is dependent on many outside influences, these influences are the focus.

Price: $36
CE credits: 1.0

Beat the Beast of Dental Disease: Part 5 of 5 -- A 5-step in-office program

In part 5, it's time to distill these complex ideas into an organized, simple, science-based program from which patients can get motivated to take control of their dental health.

Price: $72
CE credits: 2.0

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