Dos and don'ts for team training: Involve team members in planning their training

2016 08 12 10 54 04 370 Practice Success 400

Many dentists now realize that their success depends on taking a businesslike approach to running their practices. Team training -- not only in clinical skills but also in administrative areas -- is a must.

You and your office manager will dictate the core components of your training program. But individual team members can play a role in fine-tuning the plan as it relates to their own needs. Once they understand your business objectives and you understand their point of view, you can work together to create mutually beneficial training strategies.


Empower staff members to improve their performance. Most people enjoy performing tasks they're good at doing. They also like playing an important role in something bigger than themselves (i.e., your practice). Training makes both possible. Establish your goals, then translate them into specific targets for team members. Meet with each one to discuss training needs and resources. Once you settle on individualized programs, encourage staff members to take ownership of their training.


Don't assume you know what's best. Even with long-term team members, you may not really know what they aspire to accomplish in their careers. Engage in open conversations to see what they really want -- and show your respect for their dreams by making a personal commitment to helping them succeed.

Roger P. Levin, DDS, is the founder and CEO of Levin Group, the leading dental practice consulting firm in North America. For the complete list of dates and locations where you can attend his latest seminar, visit

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