A lipid nanoparticles (LNP) platform may treat oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) by changing the genetic material of lymph nodes, according to research presented at the International Association for Dental, Oral, and Craniofacial Research (IADR).
An engineered LNP, LNP E10i-494, showed strong capability in killing cancer cells and demonstrated minimal liver transfection, indicating a potentially safe profile for further study, according to research presented at the 102nd General Session of the IADR, which was held in March in New Orleans.
A repertoire of LNPs encapsulating luciferase mRNA was evaluated to determine their efficacy in destroying CAL-27 cells, a representative model of OSCC, according to the study led by Marshall Padilla, PhD, of the University of Pennsylvania.
LNPs were tested in mice to assess their tendency for unintended transfection in the liver. LNPs showing high activity in cancer cells but low liver transfection were selected for further testing.
Then, the most promising LNPs were then tested by injecting them into tumors in a mouse model of OSCC (CAL-27 xenograft). E10i-494 showed the highest luminescence in tumors and was chosen as the primary candidate. Subsequently, it was evaluated in a more realistic model of oral cancer in mice.
Finally, E10i-494 was combined with p53 mRNA to enhance its tumor-suppressing abilities, which was tested in CAL-27 cells. After two rounds of evaluation, E10i-494 demonstrated significant mRNA delivery both in laboratory tests and in mouse models, showing promise for future OSCC treatment, according to the release.