Survey: Only 29% of patients screened for oral cancer

Only 29% of U.S. patients reported being screened for oral cancer at their last visit to the dental office, according to a new survey released by the Oral Cancer Foundation, the Head and Neck Cancer Alliance, Vigilant Biosciences, and Support for People with Oral and Head and Neck Cancer.

Other results included the following:

  • More than 80% of patients would like to be screened for oral cancer at every dental checkup.
  • Only 5% of patients have requested an oral cancer exam from a dental or medical professional.
  • The relationship between HPV and oral cancer has been discussed with a dental professional by fewer than 5% of patients.
  • When asked if their dental professional spoke with them about risk factors for oral cancer at their last dental appointment, 20% responded positively.
  • The vast majority of those surveyed (77%) want their dentist to help them learn ways to reduce their risk of oral cancer.

The online survey was conducted by Vigilant Biosciences and polled more than 500 U.S. adults ages 18 to 75 on their knowledge and perceptions of oral cancer and oral cancer screening.

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