Low-level laser therapy reduces oral mucositis

Low-level laser therapy (LLLT) is an effective and well-tolerated intervention for cancer therapy-induced oral mucositis, according to a literature review in Current Opinion in Oncology.

A team of researchers from France and Australia conducted a systematic review that identified 33 relevant articles related to the use of LLLT for this application (COO, March 23, 2012). Meta-analysis showed that LLLT reduced risk of oral mucositis with relative risk, reduced duration, severity of oral mucositis, and reduced number of days with oral mucositis (4.38 days, p = 0.0009).

No adverse side effects of LLLT were reported, but lesions must be evaluated by a trained clinician, and therapy should be repeated daily or every other day or a minimum of three times per week until resolution, according to the researchers.

"It is envisaged that LLLT will soon become part of routine oral supportive care in cancer," the study authors concluded.

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